Send a report with the outmost confidentiality.



  1. What is Whistleblowing and who is a Whistleblower?

Whistleblowing is a tool that allows employees or third parties (e.g. suppliers) to confidentially report a certain category and type of wrongdoing found during their work activity.

For more details, please refer to the "Procedure for Reporting Breaches", available on the website

  1. How do I submit a report?

The system envisages two methods:

Registered User: create an account through which you access your reports with username and password (chosen by you). In this case, your identity is available to the PIOVAN ETHICS COMMITTEE, recipient of the report, but is separate and hidden from the report.

Unregistered user: create the report and access it through the codes issued by the system. Carefully protect the code and password because in the event of loss you will no longer have access to your report. If you have indicated your name and surname, your identity will remain hidden but accessible only to the recipient of the report. If you prefer to remain anonymous, if this method has been envisaged, do not indicate references that could lead to your identity. If you attach files, remember to check that they do not contain references to your identity, even within the metadata. If requested by the PIOVAN ETHICS COMMITTEE, you can communicate your identity, later, through the message area.

  1. By whom and how is my report handled?

The report is managed by the PIOVAN ETHICS COMMITTEE – for further details please refer to the "Procedure for Reporting Breaches", available on the website

  1. How can I check the progress of my report?

If you are a REGISTERED user or have indicated the e-mail address as an UNREGISTERED USER, you will receive an e-mail notification in the event that the PIOVAN ETHICS COMMITTEE wants to request further information or clarification. If you do not receive notifications, check the spam box as well. In any case, we advise you to periodically access your report to directly check if you have any requests or simply to consult the processing status. We remind you, for confidentiality reasons, not to use a company e-mail address.

  1. How can I integrate the report?

After sending the report, you can integrate it by accessing the report itself and entering a message in the "messages" area.

  1. What facts or acts can I report?

Only the following "BREACHES" may be reported:

  • Breaches of the duties and provisions of the Piovan Group Code of Ethics
  • Breaches of policies, procedures and guidelines of the Piovan Group
  • relevant unlawful conduct pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001
  • Breaches of Models 231 adopted by the Italian companies of the Piovan Group
  • other breaches of laws or regulations applicable to the Italian companies of the Piovan Group
  • breaches of European legislation in the areas of, for example: public procurement, financial services, products and markets, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, product safety and compliance, transport safety, environmental protection, radiation protection and nuclear safety, food and feed safety and animal health and welfare, public health, consumer protection, privacy and personal data protection and security of networks and information systems
  • other breaches that harm the interests of the European Union
  • retaliatory behaviour suffered as a result of a report

IMPORTANT! The reports must be detailed, verifiable and complete with all the information useful for ascertaining the facts and identifying the subjects to whom the breaches are attributed, including well-founded suspicions of breaches already committed or not yet committed (but which, on the basis of concrete elements, could be), as well as on conducts aimed at concealing them (e.g. concealment or destruction of evidence) of which the Whistleblower has become aware in the work context ("Information").  In particular, the following fundamental elements must be clear:

  • the details of the person making the report, indicating the qualification or professional position and the address for any follow-up; the possibility of submitting an anonymous report remains unaffected;
  • the clear and complete description of the illegal conduct reported and the methods with which it became known; 
  • the date and place in which the event occurred; 
  • the name and the role (qualification, professional position or service in which it carries out the activity) that allow to identify the subject/subjects to whom to attribute the responsibility for the reported facts.

Where possible, the report must be accompanied by suitable supporting documentation (i.e.: any documents aimed at verifying the substantiation of the reported facts), any indication of other persons potentially aware of the facts; any other information useful for the confirmation of the reported facts

  1. How is my identity handled?

Whistleblower reports and identity are highly confidential; the software hides the whistleblower's identity. Access to the identity of the whistleblower is, however, granted exclusively to the PIOVAN ETHICS COMMITTEE, responsible for the report, through a security procedure, which records access to the identity, with a request for reasons. In the event that the ETHICS COMMITTEE has seen your identity, you will be informed by the platform through an alert. The system does not use log systems that allow the identity of the person sending a report to be traced.


    1. What can be reported


Only the following "BREACHES" may be reported:

  • Breaches of the duties and provisions of the Piovan Group Code of Ethics
  • Breaches of policies, procedures and guidelines of the Piovan Group
  • relevant unlawful conduct pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001
  • Breaches of Models 231 adopted by the Italian companies of the Piovan Group
  • other breaches of laws or regulations applicable to the Italian companies of the Piovan Group
  • breaches of European legislation in the areas of, for example: public procurement, financial services, products and markets, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, product safety and compliance, transport safety, environmental protection, radiation protection and nuclear safety, food and feed safety and animal health and welfare, public health, consumer protection, privacy and personal data protection and security of networks and information systems
  • other breaches that harm the interests of the European Union
  • retaliatory behaviour suffered as a result of a report